How many of us have had conversation with those who choose not to believe, and we hear this response, “I use to go to church, when I was younger, and it was full of hypocrites, and people who claimed to be Christians, but didn’t follow their own preaching.” You’ve all heard that, right? Folks, this…
Author: Jamey
The Scars We Carry
Most of us have heard the phrase “There are no atheists in the foxhole.” It means that, when we are in trouble, we all ask for help from something greater than ourselves. Perhaps it’s times like this, that we are allowed to carry burdens, so that we are reminded of our inadequacies and our weaknesses….
Wise Men of Faith
It’s easy for us to forget why we celebrate Christmas. It’s also easy for us to get caught up in the giving of gifts and forget why we give those gifts. It’s easy for us to forget why we all gather and what leads us to gather. Sure, we could just mail gifts, or a…
Romans Chapter One 26-32
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due…
Deception and Disobedience
Deceived by Lust During King Solomons reign, he found himself fascinated with many different women. Many of these women were from other nations, and God had forbidden the Israelites from marrying them, because they could turn the Israelites away from God. Solomon ignored the commands of God and started to bring these women to himself,…