The book of Romans is considered to be the 6th epistle written by the apostle Paul, and it’s to a church that he did not found and has not yet visited. Romans is written while Paul is traveling by boat to Jerusalem. He’s delivering a collection that he has taken up for suffering Jews. As noted in the epistle to the Corinthians, Paul has taken up this collection from various gentile churches. Paul plans to bring the collection to Jerusalem, in hopes that it will help to build a bond between the Jews and the Gentiles. He explains in Romans 15:23-33 that he plans to make the long-anticipated journey to the Roman church, once his delivery is completed.
The epistle is an introduction of himself and greeting to the church. It’s also a theology of the gospel and salvation. Then it is a sort of instruction manual on how to be a good Christian. The book of Romans will become one of the most quoted and discussed epistle in the bible.